about the book
When Drew and his friends go off to college they feel like they’ve made it and they’re on their way to productive, successful lives. But their lives begin to spiral out of control, away from home and their parents for the first time they get to make their own decisions, their own choices, but they quickly realize choices have Consequences, some big, some small…some even deadly.
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about the author
Anthony Boone is an author, film producer and entrepreneur. He is the CEO of MoBo Entertainment, a worldwide independent streaming service. He is married and the father of two amazing sons.
An extremely powerful and thought-provoking story of Drew's life transitioning from a boy to a young man. He's experiencing many things while in college, some he's ready for, but not quite sure of others. His world is opening up to potential life altering decisions that could catapult him into exponential growth, or desperation and despair. I can totally relate to his character, feeling the weight of his decisions and how impactful his surroundings and friends can be in his life. Each chapter engulfs you with relatable excitement and renders you with anxious anticipation to see what's going to happen. Before I knew it, I was 8 hours in the book, totally gripped and hanging on the author's every word while reflecting and relating my life experiences. The book is an absolute must read! You're not want to miss a moment of the many plot & twists as each chapter propels your curiosity and overwhelming interest for Drew's safety, honor, while fulfilling the desires of his heart.
In Anthony's debut novel, Drew embarks on a journey of discovery and introspection that will forever shape his future. You're drawn emotionally into a world that's familiar, yet unpredictable with vibrant characters and personalities. Don't be surprised when your mind has evoked character visuals of every scene, eagerly awaiting for the next event in young Drew's life. The author brilliantly depicts the aftermath of our decisions, its consequences and the impact on your life. You'll reflect and fall into moments of introspection. It's been roughly 11 years since I've read a book that totally captivated me, so much so, I scheduled my time to complete it with the least amount of disruption. It was an honor to participate in the first read and board the emotional journey with the author. The unexpected ending is a heart-gripping experience to a masterful and epic emotional story.